Wednesday, January 28, 2009


we are gathering information that is directly informing our piece and need as much input as we can get! you're not voting in vain! it's anonymous and you don't have to do any sort of registering to participate just a little reading...a little thinking...and two clicks....that's it!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

grasping for a good way

2009 has really hit the ground running and i'm trying to keep up without burning out. some days or weeks are better then others...

lately, i've been so inundated with working on grant applications, writing blurbs and project descriptions, short bios and long bios, flushing out the storyboard, and trying to secure venues and dates that not much effort has gone into the actual creation of the piece. my theory is that if i make it through all of my most current deadlines by the end of february, the completion will usher in the time of creation.

Monday, January 26, 2009

glossary entry no. 1

:the bubbles:

:each represents a person/experience
:audio - travel interviews
:rat maze perspective (audience is inside)

Friday, January 23, 2009

new project description

Bridging Wounds is a performative multimedia work that melds the interconnectivity of nouns with the concept of travel, exploring what it means to be human from a multitude of perspectives. Blurring the lines between co-existing realities, the piece pulls from universally shared experiences and sentiments inviting participants to step into a world where people are bubbles, bags travel, and unconventional body parts take precedent.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

weekly animation station

in light of our successful 'sweatshop-style animation party' back in november, amanda and i have decided to make it a weekly thing. we are looking for a collection of unique hands to draw tiny hatch marks and/or shade pages of newsprint with charcoal pencils. whether you roll inside the lines or out, we have a place for you! so, come out and relive those days of childhood where all you had to think about was what to color next.

WHEN: every monday from 4-6pm - drop by any time any week

the oddfellows tavern (on 10th between pike and pine)
