Tuesday, August 31, 2010

that's just an idea you have about yourself

working to let go of all former ideas about who i am / what i want / where i'm going and be open to all possibilities. lots of exploration. a time of doing many things i formerly would have written off before even trying. actively making the choice to be happy and create the life i want vs. just thinking about it, choosing to be passive, choosing to be miserable...because it's a choice! it's all a choice! and all those things - they're just ideas i have about myself. ideas i have about who i am, who i'm not, what i like, what i don't like, what i should or shouldn't be doing...ideas i have about that thing or that person...just ideas...ideas created by the mind.

when you dismantle the illusion, what's left? what is reality? isn't it all just a perception, anyway? the mind creating a world, a bubble, a set of ideas and choosing to live in it?

"we protect ourselves against all possibilities."

that's not 'you' - that's just an idea you have about yourself.

that's just an idea i have about myself.

that's just an idea i have about myself.

that's just an idea i have about myself.

those are just ideas i have about myself.

what if i had other ideas about myself? i could have other ideas about myself...

let go.

let it all go.

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